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St Vincent de Paul Primary School, 167 Ligonniel Rd, Belfast


2015/2016 School Year

25th Nov 2015
We had some lovely visitors in our class today!! Sarah, from Zoolab, came in to...
25th Nov 2015
As part of Literacy we have recently been looking at real life daring adventures....
24th Nov 2015
P2 love using numicon in class and during play time. here are some photographs of...
24th Nov 2015
P.3 have been using numicon to help them learn about time.
23rd Nov 2015
P2 had two special visitors in school today! Two firemen from Portadow Fire...
18th Nov 2015
Thank you to all parents who took the time to come to our Numicon information evening....
16th Nov 2015
Dave, from Sustrans active travel, came to our assembly this morning to present...
16th Nov 2015
The Eco team started work on their mural today. We had great fun, but we got a bit...
9th Nov 2015
The Eco team have met with a local artist, Alison Soye.  Alison will be working...
9th Nov 2015
We have had fun playing Numeracy games in class to help us with learning column...